Activities Including Forthcoming Events

Monthly Meetings

The core activity of the club centres around  its regular meetings which take place at The Roffey Club, Spooners Road, Horsham on the first Thursday of each month after the meeting a number of members adjourn to the Warnham Barn at Rookwood Golf Course for Lunch.  


Regular monthly walks form an important element of Club Activities, they can include challenging routes but usually include a less challenging alternative stroll for those who might prefer something taken at a more leisurely pace. Walks generally conclude  with lunch at a local restaurant, café or pub.

Events and Trips

In addition to monthly walks trips, outings and visits are organised by Members, these can include attending theatrical performances, places of interest and themed dining opportunities. 

Indoor Bowls, Snooker and Golf 

Smaller groups of Members often take up opportunities to meet together to participate in these sports on an informal basis.

Probus Club Ties and other Regalia

Club ties badges and other regalia are obtained from the Probus Information Centre through the Club, details of the items available can be seen at:  and by looking under the heading “Buy on line”.

Probus Magazine

Subscription details for Probus Magazine, the Journal of Probus Clubs of Great Britain and Ireland are available by emailing Alison Parkinson;

Forthcoming Events