Probus in Horsham

The Probus Club of Horsham & District, was the first  to be set up in Horsham  in 1985, by its late Founder Member,  Ted Lynch O.B.E. who promoted the idea in the West Sussex County Times.

The original idea proposed by Ted and other founder Members was to form a club of retired or semi-retired men who wanted something further in life rather that to just sit around at home watching daytime television and consequently feeling somewhat fed up with life.

The aim of the then new  Probus Club of Horsham and District, which continues to this day, was to meet on a monthly basis so that its members could discuss what could be done to enrich their existence and to foster friendship and companionship in the company of others of a similar disposition.

The Club accepts applications for membership from men who have retired from full time employment, who are fit and willing to attend meetings on a regular basis, and are able to support events and visits.  There is no upper age limit. Prospective members will be asked to attend two meetings before they can apply to join. Those who show an aptitude to organise visits and outings are particularly welcome. 

Prior to being accepted into full membership and once having attended two regular club  meetings, applicants are interviewed on an informal basis by four committee members and if they are found to fit in with the aims and aspirations of the club, are offered  membership.

Under its present written constitution the Club has a fixed membership of 50. Enquiries regarding membership opportunities are always welcomed. There is a  one off joining fee of £25 and an annual subscription of £35.

Upon joining the Club new Members are welcomed by the President at a regular meeting, presented with a Probus Lapel pin and a name badge and asked to give a short presentation about themselves.

Following the establishment of the Probus Club of Horsham & District, four others were set up in and around the Town, details of these are available from our Secretary whose contact details can be found on the home page.